Rock Dove, Rock Pigeon, Feral Pigeon

Columba livia


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anchorage, Alaska(2 reports)

Phoenix, Arizona

San Francisco, California

Trenton, Florida

Madison, Illinois

Yale, Iowa

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Conway, Missouri

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Bronx, New York

Kingston, New York

New York City, New York

Yonkers, New York

Belfield, North Dakota

Medora, North Dakota

Houston, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Walkerton, Virginia

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
3 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Englewood, FL | November 2018 | Positive
Found, banded pigeons a e usually racing (homing) pigeons blown off course during a race or during race training. Solid white birds are user instead of doves for weddings & funerals because of their ability to find their way home.


(Zone 1) | December 2012 | Positive
Domestic Pigeons - descendants of the wild rock pigeon of the northern hemisphere - first arrived in New Zealand with the early European settlers. Since then many birds have reverted to the wild to form the basis of a large feral population, and now live in cities throughout New Zealand. They flock in parks where people feed them, and nest on the ledges of tall buildings. In country districts they roost and breed on rocky outcrops and under bridges. They are highly gregarious and only defend the area just around the nest, and commute in tight fast-flying flocks. Normally their flight starts with a noisy flapping of wings as the bird gains height and speed. From then on their passage is swift with rapid wing-beats, often sweeping low over land and water. They walk briskly. During courtship ... read more


(Zone 5a) | November 2012 | Positive
We do not often see these around home, but did have a banded one stay a couple days. It had the same markings as the birds shown in the field guides. Beautiful. It ate from the seed on the ground and drank some water. It was a hot, hot few days. We never got close enough to it to see the numbers, but assumed it made its way back to its own home.

There are a lot more Rock Doves in the towns we visit and with greater variety of markings. I am not sure I ever saw a pure white one, but I've seen mostly white. I always find it funny how they sit on the wires and street lights directly over the roads. It is like they are wanting to mess on all those clean cars. Our car is too dirty to make much difference. A little bird doo never bothered us.
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