Strawberries originated in France in the 1750s and are a cross of berries from North America and Chile. Wild strawberries were found as far back as the Roman times and are now grown worldwide as a fruit to make juices, preserves, pies and other desserts. Today there are many different varieties of strawberries that vary in size, flavor, disease resistance, color and time of ripening. Strawberries are a perennial but should be replaced every 3 to 4 years in order to be productive. The seeds all over the outside of the fruit are actually one of the ovaries of the flower with the seed inside it. Strawberries are easy to grow, and are one of the most popular spring and summer fruit; they are are nutritious and high in vitamin C, have anti-inflammatory properties and can lower blood sugar levels. The fragrance of Ssrawberries is also widely used in cosmetics such as lipstick, soaps, shampoos, lotions and cologne.
Strawberries originated in France in the 1750s and are a cross of berries from North America and Chile. Wild strawberries were found as far back as the Roman times and are now grown worldwide as ..Read More
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Aloe Species
(Aloe hexapetala)
Dogwood Sawfly
(Macremphytus tarsatus)
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)
Aloe Species
(Aloe hexapetala)
Dogwood Sawfly
(Macremphytus tarsatus)
Blue Jay
(Cyanocitta cristata)