The carrot is a root vegetable, the domesticated form of the wild carrot, Dauvus carota. The wild carrot likely arose in Persia, which is still its center of diversity today. Originally grown for its seeds and leaves, carrots are now cultivated for their taproot, which is rich in sugar. A common addition to salads, the carrot is used in many other dishes as well, and is a good source of vitamins and carotene. They are grown from seed and take four months to mature. Carrots are ideally grown in full sunlight, but can tolerate a moderate amount of shade.
The carrot is a root vegetable, the domesticated form of the wild carrot, Dauvus carota. The wild carrot likely arose in Persia, which is still its center of diversity today. Originally grown for..Read More
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Alpinia Species
(Alpinia zerumbet)
Victorian Funnelweb Spider
(Hadronyche modesta)
African Stonechat
(Saxicola torquatus)
Alpinia Species
(Alpinia zerumbet)
Victorian Funnelweb Spider
(Hadronyche modesta)
African Stonechat
(Saxicola torquatus)