Peonies are large flowering shrubs native to China, Japan and other Asian countries. Peonies produce large, showy flowers, often with a delicate scent. Many different forms are available, including the common deciduous shrub, tree forms, and dwarf forms. Peonies are very long-lived, and herbaceous peonies, if planted in areas conducive to growth, can often live for 100 years. Peonies have long been thought in folk medicine to have medicinal properties, and scientists have identified over 200 compounds in peonies that may have medical applications.
Peonies are large flowering shrubs native to China, Japan and other Asian countries. Peonies produce large, showy flowers, often with a delicate scent. Many different forms are available, ..Read More
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Hylotelephium Species
(Hylotelephium sieboldii)
Ashy Gray Ladybird Beetle
(Olla v-nigrum)
Black-faced Spoonbill
(Platalea minor)
Hylotelephium Species
(Hylotelephium sieboldii)
Ashy Gray Ladybird Beetle
(Olla v-nigrum)
Black-faced Spoonbill
(Platalea minor)