Plumeria (Frangipani) refers to a genus of shrubs related to oleander. Plumeria is native to Central and South America. Plumeria flowers exude a strong fragrance at night so that they can attract the sphinx moth to pollinate the flowers. The plant's sap contains a skin irritant, so you should wear gloves and protective clothing while working around plumeria.
Plumeria (Frangipani) refers to a genus of shrubs related to oleander. Plumeria is native to Central and South America. Plumeria flowers exude a strong fragrance at night so that they can attract..Read More
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Purple Castor Bean 'New Zealand Purple'
(Ricinus communis)
Hammerhead Worm (land planarian)
(Bipalium kewense)
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
Purple Castor Bean 'New Zealand Purple'
(Ricinus communis)
Hammerhead Worm (land planarian)
(Bipalium kewense)
Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)