Waterlilies live in bodies of water with their roots in soil and leaves and flowers floating on the water surface. There are some 70 varieties of waterlilies in temperate and tropical climates worldwide. Waterlilies are an ornamental plant but can be very invasive and difficult to control. In North America, Waterlilies can be found mostly in lakes and they provide a good habitat for many fresh water fish. They range in shades of yellow, white, pink and purple. The waterliliy is the National Flower of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and the State Flower of Andhra Pradesh, India. Waterlilies have a special place in the art world; the French artist Claude Monet created many famous paintings that included beautiful waterlilies.
Waterlilies live in bodies of water with their roots in soil and leaves and flowers floating on the water surface. There are some 70 varieties of waterlilies in temperate and tropical climates ..Read More
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(Syringa vulgaris)
Common Cluster Fly
(Pollenia rudis)
California Scrub Jay (formerly Western Scrub Jay )
(Aphelocoma californica)
(Syringa vulgaris)
Common Cluster Fly
(Pollenia rudis)
California Scrub Jay (formerly Western Scrub Jay )
(Aphelocoma californica)