Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Joppa, Alabama

Black Hawk, Colorado

Denver, Colorado(2 reports)

Malung, Dalarna

Aurora, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Iowa City, Iowa

Sioux City, Iowa

Yale, Iowa

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana

Traverse City, Michigan

Albertville, Minnesota

Crosslake, Minnesota

Hamel, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Saint Michael, Minnesota

Brunswick, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Belfield, North Dakota

Medora, North Dakota

Bucyrus, Ohio

Sulphur, Oklahoma

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Norris, Tennessee

Summertown, Tennessee

Austin, Texas

Burleson, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Mc Kinney, Texas

New Braunfels, Texas

San Angelo, Texas

Walkerton, Virginia

Cathlamet, Washington(2 reports)

East Cathlamet, Washington

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

Stanwood, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
5 positives 3 neutrals 0 negative
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The Colony, TX (Zone 8a) | August 2020 | Positive
My people believe the barn swallow, l'andulina, is one of the most blessed of all creatures. Having a barn swallow nest on a building protects it from being struck by lightning but knocking down the nest is an omen of death. They are believed to have connection with spiritual beings.

They are found in most of the world and their blue color is beautiful. Unlike some other bird species, they will nest very close to human activity and much closer to other barn swallow nests. Their nests are a bit messier than other birds, they make them from mud. I plan to make a nest box for them next summer.


Downingtown, PA | July 2015 | Positive
This wonderful little bird feeds on flying insects the most. It makes a series of wonderful chirps. I have seen it nesting within bridges over rivers, creeks, streams, ponds, and lakes more than than in barns.


(Zone 5a) | August 2012 | Positive
If I could give this bird a "super-positive", with a double order of thumbs up, I would.

We welcomed this bird on our front porch with joy in late May. After four unsuccessful years of attempted nesting, this year, they did it! We had to make some minor adjustments, but it was worth it being able to observe these fine birds up close. And from inside the house even. We heartily believe Someone gave us relatively new birders this blessing so we can learn about them- not just through books, but through observation.

Sure there's mud, there's poop, there's a bit of heartache when one nestling died, but we wonder if they learned to trust us a little when we kept replacing a fallen baby into the nest. We got to the point of being able to go into the front yar... read more


New Braunfels, TX | July 2011 | Neutral
I can't say that I love them, because the nest on my back porch and poop on everything, but I do enjoy seeing them care for their young. I find it interesting that mom, dad and older siblings all care for each new batch of babies. Ours have been coming back for the past 4 years.


San Angelo, TX | June 2010 | Neutral
These birds are often called Purple Martins in West Texas. They reduce our mosquito population, but build nests on our porches and under the eves of our houses. Their nests stain the bricks, siding, or wood on our homes, and nothing seems to remove the stains. Therefore we try not to let them establish a nest. If they do, they come back year after year trying to rebuild in the same location.


Sioux City, IA (Zone 4b) | June 2010 | Neutral
These stream line sleek birds are very territorial, but fun to watch as they circle, swoop, and dive. Not so much fun when they are diving at me as I walk to the mailbox.


Grandview, TX (Zone 8a) | May 2010 | Positive
I love these guys!! I have some that nest at my front door each year. I love watching them raise their babies every year. They are a little messy when the babies start getting old enough to sit on the edge of the nest, but that's only for a couple of weeks then that parts over.


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | February 2009 | Positive
Often I notice them nesting in large open areas near buildings. They either prefer large water bodies for their common insects, large parks or mown area with scattered trees that are mown with at least one source of water. Then there are at least one pair which regularly nest at a gas station every year near my house for at least 3 years now - there's a nearby strip mall with a large parking lot - they might feed on insects that blunder in the open areas or are attracted to the lights during the night as the insects leave the suburban area? They hates forests or patchy lawns so nesting on suburban houses are rather rare unless those houses have large open yards measuring an acre or more. Having a pond or lake nearby increase the likehood you will see one.
Euphorbia'Carousel Pink'
(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Eastern Tailed-Blue (was Everes comyntas)
(Cupido comyntas)
House Martin
(Delichon urbicum)
Euphorbia'Carousel Pink'
(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Eastern Tailed-Blue (was Everes comyntas)
(Cupido comyntas)
House Martin
(Delichon urbicum)