Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Pheucticus ludovicianus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Auburn, Alabama

North Little Rock, Arkansas

Blythe, California

Riverview, Florida

Saint Petersburg, Florida

Yankeetown, Florida

Austell, Georgia

Jesup, Georgia

Algonquin, Illinois

Anna, Illinois

Baylis, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Chesterton, Indiana

Jeffersonville, Indiana

Martinsville, Indiana

Pella, Iowa

Yale, Iowa

Hebron, Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana

Dixfield, Maine

Wiscasset, Maine

Pikesville, Maryland

Hubbardston, Massachusetts

North Billerica, Massachusetts

Jenison, Michigan

Paw Paw, Michigan

Ypsilanti, Michigan

Anoka, Minnesota

Britt, Minnesota

Grand Portage, Minnesota

Monticello, Minnesota

Morris, Minnesota

Cole Camp, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Saint Robert, Missouri

Brookline, New Hampshire

Merrimack, New Hampshire

Flemington, New Jersey

Mahwah, New Jersey

Guilford, New York

Norfolk, New York

Rochester, New York

Raleigh, North Carolina

Pembina, North Dakota

Avon, Ohio

Guysville, Ohio

Albion, Pennsylvania

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Crossville, Tennessee

Johnson City, Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee

Austin, Texas

Crosby, Texas

Mission, Texas

Spring, Texas

Tilden, Texas

Essex Junction, Vermont

Broad Run, Virginia

Mechanicsville, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
10 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Louisville, KY | May 2022 | Positive
I live in Louisville, Ky. I have 6 sets of these beautiful birds! I am originally from northern IN where these birds would nest. I have seen on the migration map that they do not nest here, but they have been here for more than 2 weeks! I am hoping they stay here!


Brookline, NH | August 2019 | Positive
I only see these in spring, early in the day, at the sunflower feeder. They look to be babies the parents are bringing, very dark shiny eyes, not the least intimidated as I walk up to the feeder, while the parents fly off.


Yankeetown, FL (Zone 4a) | May 2012 | Positive
Hundreds of these birds pass through my property each spring staying only long enough to empty the seed feeders and permit me the opportunity to enjoy their beauty before they continue their trek north.


Jenison, MI | May 2012 | Positive
Spring 2011 several males visited my feeder with the expensive feed that attracts song birds. They returned along with females for a few days and then moved on. As of May 3, 2012 haven't seen them at my feeders. Jenison Michigan


Corunna, IN | July 2011 | Positive
I had two sets visit my feeders this spring and didn't know what they were at the time. They stayed about a month and moved on. The males arrived first then the females about two weeks later. They ate thistle and sunflower seeds. Living in Indiana, I presumed they moved north because I haven't seen them since late April. They were abit aggressive, chasing off the finches from the feeders. But I enjoyed watching them and I hope they stop back again.


Algonquin, IL (Zone 5a) | May 2011 | Positive
I love Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks. . .They are wonderful, beautiful birds!!

They're gentile & non-aggressive, very willing to share the feeders with other birds & just a joy to have around.

I look for them every year. They usually show up in our area around the same time as the Indigo Buntings & Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds.

I've found their favorite feeder foods to be Black Oil Sunflower Seeds & Safflower Seeds. They also eat lots of the harmful insects that we'd all rather not have around.

One of the males has recently developed quite a taste for the Grape Jelly I put out for the Orioles, although he hasn't shown any interest in the sugar water in the Oriole or Humminbird feeders.

Having a birdbath with will also hel... read more


Jeffersonville, IN (Zone 5b) | February 2010 | Positive
Last spring was the first time we had seen this bird at our feeders. I counted a total of 4 here at the same time. I hope they make a return visit this year. They are beautiful.


North Billerica, MA | July 2009 | Positive
2009 is the first year I've seen the RBGB stay in our yards (in Mass. and Maine) since 2004 so we're thrilled. They come to our feeders many times/day. Hubby calls this the "parrot of New England".


Chesterton, IN | May 2009 | Positive
A beautiful bird...........and he and his mate almost always come to our bird feeder together. Real soul mates!


Guilford, NY | May 2009 | Positive
I was excited to see this bird at my birdfeeder. I have been feeding birds for many years and this was the Rose-breasted Grosbeak I have seen at my feeder.
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Daylily 'Stella De Oro'
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