
Anas platyrhynchos


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Anchorage, Alaska

Phoenix, Arizona

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Fort Bragg, California

Sacramento, California

San Diego, California

San Jose, California

Santa Cruz, California

Bartow, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia

Algonquin, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Hinsdale, Illinois

Oak Brook, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Hebron, Kentucky

Bishopville, Maryland

Halifax, Massachusetts

Paw Paw, Michigan

Traverse City, Michigan

Albertville, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Saint Michael, Minnesota

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Grenada, Mississippi

Chester, New York

Hamilton, New York

Pittsford, New York

Thomasville, North Carolina

Belfield, North Dakota

Columbus, Ohio

Oak Harbor, Ohio

Bend, Oregon

Gold Hill, Oregon

Irrigon, Oregon

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

Fort Worth, Texas

Lubbock, Texas

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
3 positives 1 neutral 0 negative
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(Zone 1) | December 2012 | Positive
The Manky Mallard is a species of the domesticated Wild Mallard.
Drakes engage in behaviour unique in the waterfowl world.

A few days after the female begins incubation, the drake leaves its breeding partner and joins up in gangs. If they come upon a female all of them forcibly mate with it. A big group may take so long that the exhausted female drowns. These gang rapes account for up to a fifth of all egg fertilisations, and females caring for broods are seldom attacked. Mallards are the most successful dabbling ducks, evolving in northern hemisphere habitats that were already dominated by agriculture, so they are at ease in farming enviroments. New Zealand flocks have expanded remarkably since the 1930's when acclimiatisation societies introduced American birds f... read more


Traverse City, MI (Zone 5a) | December 2010 | Positive
We too have them a-plenty all winter long. We enjoy the mallards here and everyone slows down in the spring at the usual duck crossings. We sometimes have mini traffic jams when it's time to start teaching the chicks about larger bodies of water. Getting to the front of the line and seeing pedestrians trying to "herd" chicks into some semblance of order makes the wait worth while.


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA (Zone 10a) | April 2010 | Neutral
Very adaptable to human activity, as long as there is access to a pond or lake


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | February 2009 | Positive
Very common in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota - making up 99% of the duck population there. The remaining duck species is either migrantary, merganser (tend to stay longer than migrantary ducks but not really breeding), wood duck.

During winter time, they loves all open water bodies - when the sun is in a certain brightness you can see them flying in small groups zeroing in on open bodies of water (narrow canals left by old sod farms, spots in creeks where the water motion kept ice from forming, bubblers installed in small to mid size lakes specically to kept them oxygen filled and to keep it open during wintertime to prevent fishkills, opening in rivers, opening near drainage pipes to ponds. You can also see them leaving their open water locations at first crack of dawn.... read more
Dianthus'Mixed Hybrids, Noids'
(Dianthus barbatus)
Australian hornet
(Abispa ephippium)
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)
Dianthus'Mixed Hybrids, Noids'
(Dianthus barbatus)
Australian hornet
(Abispa ephippium)
Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura)