Red-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta canadensis


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anchorage, Alaska(2 reports)

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Kelseyville, California

Solvang, California

Windsor, Connecticut

Algonquin, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Palatine, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Hubbard, Iowa

Yale, Iowa

Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Albertville, Minnesota

Golden, Mississippi

Saint Louis, Missouri

Buffalo, New York

Himrod, New York

Austin, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Essex Junction, Vermont

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

Vancouver, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
3 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Positive
This bird (I've only seen one) likes to come to my suet feeder. Such an entertaining little fellow!


Toronto area, ON (Zone 5b) | October 2012 | Positive
I love this bird!!! A male red breasted nuthatch irrupted into our neighbourhood during the winter of 2010-2011 and found the seeds, and then the suet. I first heard of him when a friend went outside to smoke, and this little guy landed next to him on a wall for a good look, no fear at all. He became a regular at the feeders. Then one day, in the middle of a bad snowstorm he brought a female to the suet feeder. (Photo to follow). Harry the Nuthatch, as he was affectionately known, had to go away after that last appearance. I think mating was on his mind. I still miss him.


Himrod, NY (Zone 6a) | August 2010 | Positive
This has to be one of my all time favorite birds. To see this little fella, smaller than a chickadee and how friendly he is it is a sight to behold. My son would place black oil sunflower seed on his stomach while laying on the ground and the Red-breasted Nuthatches would come and feed off him. Their "yanhk yanhk sound is a great identifier.
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