Indian Golden Oriole

Oriolus kundoo


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(Zone 10a) | December 2009 | Neutral
This is the Indian Golden Oriole I have posted. The mark is its black lining around the eye which extends beyond the eyes which differentiates between the European and African migrants. This is known to move southwards from the Himalayan region for the winter. In the southern part it is a winter-visitor. December is winter time. It is also rarely seen in urban areas as it is has a reputation for shyness. My sighting is somewhat lucky in that sense as it came and sat on a branch of a neighbour's tree yesterday also but it had flown off before I ran in to get the camera. Today, 22nd December 2009, I was a bit lucky I could get a few reasonable shots. It is known to feed mostly on fruits. To Mysore, it is an uncommon visitor. I consulted my good friend Mr.K.B.Sadananda who is an exp... read more
Phlox'Twinkle Star Mix'
(Phlox drummondii)
Periodical Cicada
(Magicicada septendecim)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)
Phlox'Twinkle Star Mix'
(Phlox drummondii)
Periodical Cicada
(Magicicada septendecim)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus)