Red-billed Gull

Chroicocephalus scopulinus


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(Zone 1) | December 2012 | Positive
The Red-billed Gull is one of the commonest gulls on the New Zealand coast. It rarely lives inland, and its breeding colonies are mainly found on the eastern coasts of the North and South Islands. Dense colonies nest in the open on barren stacks and islands, whereas elsewhere the nests are concealed and located in small groups or singly. The main food during breeding season is planktonic crustaceans, earthworms, kelp-fly larvae, and fish larvae. They feed inshore on foraging trips that last about 2 hours. Outside the breeding season the diet is more varied. Some birds continue to feed at sea, some forage along the shore for marine invertebrates, and others eat refuse. They harass other birds, and attempt to force white-fronted terns, gannets, oystercatchers, shags and even other Red-bille... read more
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