Gouldian Finch

Erythrura gouldiae


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Gardener's Notes:
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Columbia, SC (Zone 8a) | October 2010 | Positive
Important Note: EN - Endangered species - in its natural habitat of Northern Australia. There are likely only 2500 of these left in the wild. Preservation matters! Go online and look for 'save the gouldian' if interested.

Fortunately, these are bred in captivity by hobbiest worldwide. This, of course, helps secure their preservation. I bought a breeding pair a few years ago, and they've turned into a family of 12. They are honestly the most beautiful birds you'll ever see - with far more color variations than shown here. Healthy Gouldians have very tight feathering, like brightly painted porcelain. And their colors are vibrant, almost cartoon-like.

The male's song is soft, but lengthy and detailed in melody. It's fascinating figuring out which juveni... read more
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Geranium'Birch Double'
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