Cedar Waxwing

Bombycilla cedrorum


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Apple Valley, California

Laguna Hills, California

Santa Cruz, California

Solvang, California

Stockton, California

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida

Melbourne, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia

Anna, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Geneva, Illinois

Lisle, Illinois

Oak Brook, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Ankeny, Iowa

Davenport, Iowa

Yale, Iowa

Gilbertsville, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Bush, Louisiana

Clinton, Maryland

Emmitsburg, Maryland

Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Longmeadow, Massachusetts

Munising, Michigan

Remus, Michigan

Traverse City, Michigan

Big Lake, Minnesota

Hastings, Minnesota

Saint Michael, Minnesota

Conway, Missouri

Princeton, New Jersey

Woodstown, New Jersey

Hannibal, New York

Concord, North Carolina

Fuquay Varina, North Carolina

Winston Salem, North Carolina

Corning, Ohio

Glenmont, Ohio

Lebanon, Ohio

Bend, Oregon

Gold Hill, Oregon

Allentown, Pennsylvania

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania

Austin, Texas

Early, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Lewisville, Texas

Lubbock, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Quitman, Texas

Van Alstyne, Texas

Barboursville, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

Bellingham, Washington

Castle Rock, Washington

Newport, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
15 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Orlando, FL | March 2019 | Positive
Orlando, FL for the last 3 years the Cedar Waxwings have come to feast on my mulberries much to my husbands dismay. They are awesome to watch.


Longmeadow, MA (Zone 6a) | March 2019 | Positive
In 40 years of living in my home, 2018 was the second time I saw a flock stay around for several days while they ate all the tiny apples from a nearby crabapple tree. A welcome sight and hope they visit our area this year.


Downingtown, PA | July 2015 | Positive
I usually see this wonderful little bird in late winter or spring and in fall. It always appears as a flock making quick simple sounds. It eats the berries off my serviceberry trees in early June and it like the red berries of the Washington Hawthorn in late winter.


Los Angeles, CA | March 2015 | Positive


Stockton, CA (Zone 9a) | April 2013 | Positive
these beautiful birds come thru Stockton every yr. like clock work. i know when they are in my yard due to their high pitched chirp. more like a squeal. non the less, i go running out to see easily 30 of them in my tree eating the white mistletoe berries. thats prob around Feb or so. i still hear and see them but much smaller groups . we had one when i was a child in the 60's. hit the neighbors house and was a bit disoriented. my mom nursed him back to health with hard boiled egg and milk soaked bread. and pyracantha (sp) berries. he really loved those. found out later they make them drunk. no wonder he stayed with us for a long time. he would never fly out of the cage. good experience as a kid to have seen him recover and eventually fly away.


Fuquay-Varina, NC (Zone 7b) | March 2013 | Positive
3/25/13 Fuquay-Varina,
A flock of cedar waxwings joining a flock of robins has descended upon our three Yaupon Hollies that are absolutely loaded down with berries.
Fabulous sighting.
I was wondering how I was going to get rid of the berries, Problem Solved.
There is a video (not mine) on you tube.
"Robin and Cedar Waxwings eating yaupon holly berries"


Geneva, IL | October 2012 | Positive
Every year we see the Cedar Waxwings in the Serviceberry trees when the June Berries are ripe.We assume they are on their migration north at this time. This year we found a dead tree along the Fox River where we saw about 2 dozen Cedar Waxwings in June and 10 stayed all summer. We usually see them in a dead tree along the river in the morning about 7-8am and just before sunset. Never knew they stayed all summer in the suburbs west of Chicago.


Barboursville, VA | January 2011 | Positive
New Year's is the earliest date I have ever seen this bird...usually comes to central VA in late spring on a fly-by.


Traverse City, MI (Zone 5a) | December 2010 | Positive
Working in a nursery, we have to check daily for waxwing nests in our potted small trees. If eggs are in the nest, the tree is no longer for sale till the babies have fledged. Fourtunatly we have several customers who prefer plants that have already housed birds. They're lucky! This bird is the only one I know (locally) that prefers the blue berries of oregon grape holly and blue fruited viburnum.


| November 2010 | Positive
We also have flocks of these birds visiting for 1-3 weeks in Peace River, (Northern) Alberta, usually between late November and mid January. We've already seen a few this year!


| September 2010 | Positive
I live in central northern BC, Canada and we get large flocks of these fascinating birds in December/January when they strip the mountain ash berries. They are around for 2-3 weeks and then seem to disappear. it is funny to watch from the windows as they swoop around. They drive my two cats completely crazy. We usually have -20C or colder by this time of the year and it gets colder later in winter. I am looking forward to seeing them again!


Bush, LA | April 2010 | Positive
One of the things I like about these busy birds is the beautiful "whoosh" when they depart as one in a gray wave of activity. Did anyone else notice an orange splash on some of theirs? Does this signify they are males?


Quitman, TX (Zone 8b) | April 2010 | Positive
We live in Quitman, Texas and were surprised to see several of these beautiful birds in our back yard. They visited on April16,2010. This was the first time my wife and I had seen any in our area. We are hoping they will return in the future...Don


Winston-Salem, NC (Zone 7b) | April 2010 | Positive
These are some of the prettiest birds. They pop out here in central NC in small flocks mid-Spring when the berry producing plants have put on fruit. They line up on a branch. The "leader" pops a berry off the plant or tree and passes it down the line until each has had his/her share. The scene always makes me giggle. They especially love the wild Mulberry in my back yard.


(Zone 1) | March 2010 | Positive
We only see the beautiful Cedar Waxwings for a short period during the winter months, usually late January through early March. They devour berries of the Sugarberry tree, Mulberry, Holly, Cedar and Cherry trees.
Protea 'Pink Ice'
Giant Silkworm Moth
(Hyalophora cecropia)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)
Protea 'Pink Ice'
Giant Silkworm Moth
(Hyalophora cecropia)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)