Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

North Little Rock, Arkansas

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Reseda, California

Trenton, Florida

Coatesville, Indiana

Georgetown, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Columbia, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Provincetown, Massachusetts

Golden, Mississippi

Laurel, Mississippi

Conway, Missouri

Marlton, New Jersey

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Concord, North Carolina

Parkton, North Carolina

Sandusky, Ohio

Gold Hill, Oregon

Summerville, South Carolina

Austin, Texas

Euless, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas(2 reports)

Houston, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Needville, Texas

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Newport News, Virginia

Sterling, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

Kettle Falls, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Parkton, NC | October 2017 | Positive
several years ago, there was one male ruby crowned kinglet who stayed in my backyard thru fall and winter. He was very fond of a bird food mix that I made with cornmeal, peanut butter, bacon fat & a little flour. I would press it into a mold and hang it from a tree. One day after work, he was waiting for me and when he saw me made his little "jdit" sound. I looked and the feeder was empty so I went in to get more. He hovered beside my head as I filled it! I have since moved a few miles from there and have not seen any where I now live.


Columbia, KY (Zone 6a) | May 2009 | Positive
While I've been fortunate enough to have spotted this species, it's usually during spring migration and very rarely during late fall. It's a very fast moving bird and to capture this with a camera is a feat in itself. They tend to be a singular social type and rarely seen in a group. And can be seen in Coniferous forests in summer; also deciduous forests and thickets in winter. Unlike it's cousin the Golden-Crowned who typically fly in small flocks together.
Billbergia Bromeliad'Concolor'
(Billbergia pyramidalis)
Lucas' Stub-moth
(Discophlebia lucasii)
Pied Wagtail
(Motacilla alba)
Billbergia Bromeliad'Concolor'
(Billbergia pyramidalis)
Lucas' Stub-moth
(Discophlebia lucasii)
Pied Wagtail
(Motacilla alba)