Tree Swallow

Tachycineta bicolor


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Cotati, California

Kelseyville, California

Klamath River, California

Big Pine Key, Florida

Anna, Illinois

Yale, Iowa

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Frederick, Maryland

Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Albertville, Minnesota

Conway, Missouri

Concord, North Carolina

Geneva, Ohio

Oak Harbor, Ohio

Gold Hill, Oregon

Salem, Oregon

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

State College, Pennsylvania

Portland, Tennessee

Draper, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
4 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Concord, NC | February 2013 | Positive
Last week of December, a large flock of these tree swallows numbering in the 10's of thousands filled the skies of our neighboorhood and by 5'oclock in the evening they settled in all of the trees overnight for about 2 square blocks. It was kind of eerie. We had never seen anything like this in the 17 years weve lived here in NC . We had seen one or two swallows before, and large flocks of other kinds of birds, but never a massive flock like this of swallows. I guess they winter here in NC, but what added to the strangeness of the situation, was that it was the last week of December and it was 72 degrees outside as well, and the birds seemed unsettled and bothered and quite noisey. I wonder if these large flocks are normal, or if it has something to do with the weather?


Harpersfield, OH (Zone 5a) | June 2011 | Positive
A gorgeous bird. We have a retention pond in our back yard that we share with out neighbor. She has several bird houses that are on poles along the pond. Today we noticed a Tree Swallow sitting on top of one all day. I saw it in the morning and told her about it in the evening and he was still there. He is beautiful. The color is striking, especially with the white underside and neck. We think there are eggs in the bird house and he is protecting them? He does appear to be guarding it.
They eat insects, catching them in mid-air as they fly.
They also like berries.
We have woods all around the back of this pond, and they like those, also. It is marshy in the pond; as you can see from my pictures.
We had tons of these in the beginning of spring, fly... read more


State College, PA | June 2009 | Positive
I just love watching and listening to these lovely birds. They let you get close if they are used to you, but they get protective when the little ones start making noise and are getting ready to leave the nest.


Frederick, MD (Zone 6a) | December 2008 | Positive
Wonderful bird that eats mosquitoes and has a lovely song
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Iris Hybrids'Mixed Hybrids'
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