Pine Siskin

Spinus pinus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Anchorage, Alaska

Paradise, California

Crestview, Florida

Quincy, Florida

Montpelier, Idaho

Saint Maries, Idaho

Algonquin, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Yale, Iowa

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Traverse City, Michigan

Le Center, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Conway, Missouri

Elsberry, Missouri

East Glacier Park, Montana

Marlton, New Jersey

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Himrod, New York

Orchard Park, New York

Poughkeepsie, New York

Cary, North Carolina

Concord, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina

Corning, Ohio

Grants Pass, Oregon

Clarksville, Tennessee

Katy, Texas

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Hurt, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Lander, Wyoming

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Gardener's Notes:
5 positives 1 neutral 0 negative
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Concord, NC | March 2013 | Positive
we saw these for the first time this early spring at our feeder. There were 4 tiny females that looked pitiful like they were starving that we mistook for gold finch, and after reading here that they migate here from florida to start spring and that they depend on watching the gold finch to find food, we know now they really were starving. They were in bad shape and also afraid of people when they first came here about two weeks ago, now they are looking healthier as they have been eating everyday and like if to thank us, they now let us get close in the yard to watch them eating.


Traverse City, MI (Zone 5a) | December 2010 | Positive
I love to see this bird eating from the feeders each winter. Usually my yard is a way-station on their trek back north to the nesting grounds, so seeing them really is the First sign of spring. They tend to travel in groups with other birds, and depend on local chickadees to show them where the feeders are.


Mid-Hudson Valley, NY (Zone 5b) | February 2009 | Neutral
This year we've had 10 to 15 of these at our feeders daily. I don't ever remember this happening before. Usually we have lots of finches, but not the Pine Siskins. I wonder what's up?


Crestview, FL (Zone 7b) | February 2009 | Positive
This is a winter migrant to NW Florida - seen primarily on finch socks.


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | January 2009 | Positive
Seen at my feeder some years during winters, not all years - usually mixed with goldfinches and a few house finches. Strongly resembles goldfinches in size and wings, but have stripes on bellies. May have yellow in its wing bars along with white.
Can be semi bold around humans.


Calgary, AB (Zone 3a) | December 2008 | Positive
This bird migrates through my region.
Japanese Fantail Willow'Sekka'
(Salix sachalinensis)
Purple-winged Mantis
(Tenodera australasiae)
Roseate Spoonbill
(Platalea ajaja)
Japanese Fantail Willow'Sekka'
(Salix sachalinensis)
Purple-winged Mantis
(Tenodera australasiae)
Roseate Spoonbill
(Platalea ajaja)