Yellow-throated Warbler

Setophaga dominica


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Big Pine Key, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Quincy, Florida

Sarasota, Florida

Jekyll Island, Georgia

Jonesborough, Tennessee

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 1 neutral 0 negative
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Ponte Vedra Beach, FL | March 2017 | Positive
A very pretty canopy warbler species common throughout the Southeastern US. It frequently comes down to visit shallow birdbaths that are near shelter (in our case an evergreen viburnum about 18 feet tall) or even to our mesh feeder with chopped peanuts, particularly during winter.


(Zone 1) | February 2010 | Positive
Such a pretty little bird! My Fl bird book says this one is a common year-round resident breeding throughout the north and central part of the state. Today is the first time I've ever seen one. Late this afternoon there was a little male at the feeder, probably eating the meal worms.


Fox Island, WA (Zone 8b) | December 2008 | Neutral
Description: 5.5 inches; yellow throat and upper breast; plain gray back; black crown and face; white supercilium-lores can be white or yellow (depending on race); long, thin, slightly decurved bill; black forehead, eyeline, cheek extends onto side of neck; white patch on neck; white underparts with black streaks on sides; white wing bars; black legs.
Female and immature plumages nearly identical to male

Habitat: Live oak forests with Spanish moss, southern pine forests, cypress swamps, bottomlands, river banks, orchards. Forages at the tops of trees with a deliberate, creeping motion. Small, active, insect-eating bird, often forages high in the canopy

Saraca Species
(Saraca thaipingensis)
American Painted Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
Downy Woodpecker
(Picoides pubescens)
Saraca Species
(Saraca thaipingensis)
American Painted Lady
(Vanessa virginiensis)
Downy Woodpecker
(Picoides pubescens)