Peach-faced Lovebird

Agapornis roseicollis


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anthem, Arizona

Mesa, Arizona(2 reports)

Phoenix, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 2 neutrals 0 negative
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Tempe, AZ | January 2021 | Positive
I've got a small group that hangs out in my palm tree and as far as I can tell they have not displaced any of the local species. I'd love to see a study that actually documents whether or not they really are a problem here in Arizona, where they have been established for over 25 years.


NW corner of Phoenix, AZ (Zone 9a) | August 2015 | Neutral
While they are pretty to look at, they are invasive and unfortunately are known to carry psittacosis (also called ornithosis, parrot fever, or chlamydiosis), which is a zoonotic disease. You can hear their distinctive screechy chirp calls before even seeing them. Their effect on native species has yet to be seen, but I have to admit, it is exciting to see them in the "wild". I used to own them as pets years ago, so seeing them interact in the wild is interesting. I just do not want to see them displace or possibly infect some of our native birds.


Lisle, IL (Zone 5a) | January 2013 | Neutral
While they are an invasive species, it's still thrilling to see them at the feeders; I've had as many as 9 at a time visit my backyard.


Anchorage, AK (Zone 4a) | October 2011 | Positive
There is a small flock of feral Peach-faced Lovebirds (Aragorn’s roseicollis) in Gilbert, Arizona. They can often be seen in the Riparian Preserve at the Water Ranch in Gilbert, where they are a major attraction.
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