Loggerhead Shrike

Lanius ludovicianus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Quartz Hill, California

Woodland, California

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Lutz, Florida

Baton Rouge, Louisiana(2 reports)

Traverse City, Michigan

Conway, Missouri

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Beulaville, North Carolina

Austin, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Houston, Texas

Rockport, Texas

Spring, Texas

Ruther Glen, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 2 neutrals 0 negative
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Baton Rouge, LA | June 2010 | Neutral
Several summers ago I was making a local flight at our airport. Because of the heat I left the windows of my van rolled down. As I approached my van I saw what looked like a mocking bird fluttering against my windshild inside my van. The bird had flown in and couldn't remember the way out. I opened the door and got in. In a few moments I had trapped the bird under a towel and reached in to help it out. No sooner had I got my hand around it when the bird clamped down on my index finger and drew blood. When I was able to get a better look I realised I was holding a shrike. The slightly hooked bill and single tooth had managed to do some damage to my finger. Both bird and I were happy to part company.


Rockport, TX (Zone 9b) | December 2008 | Neutral
A loggerhead shrike started hanging out near our deck this fall. We thought it was kind of cute - until it snatched up one of the hummingbirds enjoying our bountiful collection of deck feeders. Now we shoo away shrikes when the hummers are around.
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