Mountain Bluebird

Sialia currucoides


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Haines, Alaska

Pencil Bluff, Arkansas

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Apple Valley, California

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Gardener's Notes:
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| November 2014 | Positive
They come in the fall and into winter to feed on Pyracantha berries and Hackberries in huge flocks of 50 plus. Such a beautiful bird, yeah they leave a mess, but I don't mind. They drink water continually so I re-fill the birdbath a few times a day. They drink and bath in it all day long. This picture was taken Thanksgiving Day 2014 by my husband in our back yard. The Hackberry tree is in the background. It gets picked clean by these birds and by flickers, robins, cedar waxwings,and mockingbirds.


Concord, NC | March 2013 | Positive
in March 2007 my son went out to see his friend matt in the Ouachita mountains of the southern Ozarks in NW Arkansas near the small town of Pencil Bluff which is about 11 miles east of the Oklahoma border. He witnessed the most brilliant shimmering pure Turquoise bluebird like nothing he'd ever seen here on the east coast on the very last day he was their right before he left. It was high up in a tree above the blue phantom mine property and his friend matt's arrowhead mine road trail. He told me seeing this was the highlight of his trip and that it was something he will remember as a nice memory for the rest of his life.


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | April 2009 | Positive
Most often found in the Rockies Mountain but also on the colorado plateau. Very easy to id - have blue front.
Couroupita Species
(Couroupita guianensis)
Silver Spotted Skipper
(Epargyreus clarus)
Long-crested Eagle
(Lophaetus occipitalis)
Couroupita Species
(Couroupita guianensis)
Silver Spotted Skipper
(Epargyreus clarus)
Long-crested Eagle
(Lophaetus occipitalis)