Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Polioptila caerulea


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Kelseyville, California

Big Pine Key, Florida

Melbourne, Florida

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Winter Springs, Florida

Coatesville, Indiana

Hebron, Kentucky

Conway, Missouri

Austin, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Mc Kinney, Texas

Needville, Texas

Sterling, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
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Ponte Vedra Beach, FL | March 2017 | Positive
One of my favorite little birds. We get them year-round in Florida and they are kind of like miniature blue-gray mockingbirds with the similar flashing white tail and very territorial ways. They vocalize a lot so even if you haven't seen one, if you live in their range you have probably heard them.

They're insectivores and like to pluck insects off leaves (hence their name). I see them a lot on a variety of trees such as my Laurel Oak, Southern Red Oak (I think that's what that tree is), and even the non-native Crepe Myrtles (but those only in summer and spring).


Dallas, TX (Zone 8a) | May 2009 | Positive
That's exactly what I saw this bird doing at the Heard Nature and Science Museum in McKinney TX. The blue was so striking, almost metallic blue when the sun hit it.


The Ozarks, MO (Zone 5b) | December 2008 | Positive
This is the quickest little bird and everytime I have seen it it was looking for insects along the edges of the Juniper trees(Red Cedar) .
Cotyledon Species
(Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga)
Oval-based Prominent
(Peridea basitriens)
Nicobar Pigeon
(Caloenas nicobarica)
Cotyledon Species
(Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga)
Oval-based Prominent
(Peridea basitriens)
Nicobar Pigeon
(Caloenas nicobarica)