Cape Sugarbird

Promerops cafer


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San Leandro, CA (Zone 9b) | December 2016 | Neutral
Per Jan Emming of Destination:Forever Ranch and Gardens, a 40 acre desert botanical garden/sustainable living homestead in Arizona.

"Cape sugarbirds (Promerops cafer) are one of about six different bird species that are endemic and restricted to the fynbos ecosystem of the Eastern and Western Cape Provinces in South Africa. They feed primarily upon nectar from various Protea family members, such as these pincushion flowers (Leucospermum cordifolium) growing at the Harold Porter Botanical Gardens Preserve. They also rely heavily upon various insects that are drawn to the nectar-rich Proteas as an alternate source of food. Females like the one shown here are similar in color to males, but their tail feathers are much shorter - males can have an impressive train of feathers tha... read more
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