Eastern Wood Pewee, Eastern Wood-pewee

Contopus virens


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Lecanto, Florida

Mims, Florida

Anna, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Conway, Missouri

Fredericksburg, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
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Lecanto, FL (Zone 9a) | January 2009 | Positive
I raised a baby, being with the wildlife rescue, and was told I had a flycatcher. But the pictures I found didn't look quite right to being a flycatcher. So when I saw 2dCousinDave had a pic I thought I'd check it out. It turns out that this is the bird I had and it is a flycatcher. When I was encouraging it's first flights I would give my secret call and toss a piece of soggy cat food into the air. She got it every time. He, or she, has come back every year and had their own babies.
Grevillea Species
(Grevillea leptobotrys)
Io Moth
(Automeris io)
Eurasian Coot
(Fulica atra)
Grevillea Species
(Grevillea leptobotrys)
Io Moth
(Automeris io)
Eurasian Coot
(Fulica atra)