Brown Thrasher

Toxostoma rufum


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida

New Port Richey, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Trenton, Florida

Augusta, Georgia

Austell, Georgia

Brunswick, Georgia

Jekyll Island, Georgia

Marietta, Georgia

Mcdonough, Georgia

Waynesville, Georgia

Rock Falls, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Derby, Kansas

Hebron, Kentucky

Cambridge, Maryland

Linthicum Heights, Maryland

Remus, Michigan

Brunswick, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Galena, Missouri

Gerald, Missouri

Jackson, Missouri

Saint Louis, Missouri

Broadway, North Carolina

Cary, North Carolina

Concord, North Carolina

Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Gastonia, North Carolina

Cincinnati, Ohio

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Summerville, South Carolina

Columbia, Tennessee

Cordova, Tennessee

Morristown, Tennessee

Baytown, Texas

Euless, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Broad Run, Virginia

Penhook, Virginia

Roanoke, Virginia

Suffolk, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
8 positives 1 neutral 0 negative
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Gastonia, NC (Zone 7b) | March 2022 | Positive
Charlotte NC suburb, a young thrasher has been keeping us entertained this week with his singing talents. he sits high in the tree and sings almost all day. He must be young, his colors are lighter than usual. I almost thought it was a mockingbird which are also very common here in the spring, but the musical tones are different and this one has the yellow eyes and light brown feathers. I though he was confused, as I've only seen thrashers making a mess on the ground to the sidewalk. Good to see the mockingbirds getting some competition.


Galena, MO | December 2016 | Positive
We have these birds here in the Missouri Ozarks. They are really fun to watch. They will dig in the leaves and throw stuff with their feet and beak to find bugs. Most of the time, I see the leaves moving before I even know there is a bird there. LOL.
They do mimic a lot of different birds. In the summer, when I am out on the deck BBQing I am constantly hearing their music. It is really cool. Thanks for the awesome pictures.



Brunswick, GA | September 2010 | Positive
Georgias State Bird.

Very friendly bird, if you go near them every day they will let you get within a few feet of them.

I made friends with one in our front yard, by going out to it every day and talking to the bird. She let me close enough to her nest I have photos from the time she laid her eggs until the time the babys left the nest.

Well worth getting to *know* this bird.


Concord, NC (Zone 7a) | August 2010 | Positive
I live in North Carolina, and had never seen these till i had moved here from upstate New York. these birds are silly looking tall lanky things and have a tremendous amount of character and personality all of their own. When i get up in the morning i look out my back window, and these silly things are way in the back yard combing under the tree line of the woods and bushes in the back for bugs and things. some times they get brave and hop about in the center of the yard among crows and robins and other birds they do not seem to play well always with others as they have an attitude, although not aggressive. just a neat bird. mike.


Adairsville, GA (Zone 7b) | March 2010 | Positive
A pair of brown thrashers visit my flower garden every spring/summer. They do not like visiting bird feeders; they prefer to forage under the feeders, sifting through leaf litter and pinestraw in search of seeds and insects. They are a bit shy, but a patient person sitting on the patio will see them flinging leaves about in search of food. Though they are cousins of the mockingbird, they do not have the assertive personality. These birds have beautiful coloring and have striking golden eyes. Well worth the patience.


tulsa, HI (Zone 3a) | June 2009 | Neutral
The official state bird of Georgia, it is inexplicably the namesake of Atlanta's hockey team. Very pretty birds, though I don't see them that much in the Atlanta area. Oddly.


Whiteside County, IL (Zone 5a) | April 2009 | Positive
Unbelievably beautiful song from this bird. Look to the tops of the tallest trees when you hear it. I love the way this bird flings around leaves with its big, curved bill to find insects.


Putnam County, IN (Zone 5b) | December 2008 | Positive
The Brown Thrasher nest here during breeding season. It is one of our favorites to watch during the summer. It is very well behaved and causes no problems at the feeders.


(Zone 1) | December 2008 | Positive
The Brown Thrasher is a relative of the Mockingbird and like the Northern Mockingbird, the Brown Thrasher is found statewide in Florida where I live. Their diet consists of insects and wild fruits and they frequent the backyard feeders during the summer, seeming to enjoy the raisins and fruit bits I add to the seed.

The Brown Thrashers are skilled imitators like the Mockingbirds, just not as frequent, and their mimicry seems to be of a more musical tone.
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