Northern Red Bishop, Orange Bishop

Euplectes franciscanus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Houston, Texas

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Houston, TX | February 2012 | Neutral
These Orange Bishop shots were photographed in my back yard, in the Spring Branch area of Houston, near the intersection of N. Gessner and Clay Road. There have been other sightings in Bear Creek, to name one. It was so similar to the resident House Sparrows that I almost missed the opportunity for a photo. They were in a group of 6 or 8 Orange Bishops. The yellow around the eyes and white underside is what caught my eye. They are very flighty and will not hold for a close up shot. I managed about 18 quick photos before they bolted and flew North. They like to perch on reeds and weave basket shaped nests. The male in breeding plumage is a startling red/orange and black combination. They can be found on several on-line sites.
Species Iris
(Iris foetidissima)
Boxwood Leaftier Moth
(Galasa nigrinodis)
Falcated Teal
(Anas falcata)
Species Iris
(Iris foetidissima)
Boxwood Leaftier Moth
(Galasa nigrinodis)
Falcated Teal
(Anas falcata)