Clay-colored Sparrow

Spizella pallida


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Yale, Iowa

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Gardener's Notes:
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(Zone 5a) | August 2012 | Positive
This was a one day visitor to our yard on its way back to its northern breeding home. We caught this little thing eating cabbage beetles. So if I have anything negative to say about it, it is the fact the bird moved on. We have been dealing with too many of these with our expanded garden.

Editing... (I wish there was the ability to create more than one comment, since I am making note on field marks rather than a "review" of the bird. )

This bird can easily be passed as an immature/winter Chipping Sparrow, so maybe this is why no one else has their zip code on this page? Look at the eye line on a Chipping; it goes from the bill through the eye and back. The eyeline on the Clay-colored begins behind the eye. The color of the bill in the spring is a good ... read more
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