Steller's Jay

Cyanocitta stelleri


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anchorage, Alaska

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Mount Laguna, California

Cut Bank, Montana

West Glacier, Montana

Gold Hill, Oregon

Grants Pass, Oregon

Lakewood, Washington

Shelton, Washington

Shoreline, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

Stanwood, Washington

Vancouver, Washington

Lander, Wyoming

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Gardener's Notes:
5 positives 2 neutrals 0 negative
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San Diego, CA | June 2017 | Positive
Sighted this bird recently at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, North San Diego County. Beautiful feathers, interesting call.

Tended to stay in the trees, not much venturing onto the ground or picnic tables.


Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Neutral
Beautiful plumage, shy bird. I've seen them most often where there are lots of trees they can hide in and a large feeding station is available.


Cedarhome, WA (Zone 8b) | January 2012 | Positive
Beautiful birds. Even though I know it's incorrect, I call them blue jays. They are humerous to watch trying to get to the suet feeders. Too large to latch on and take a bite, so they end up hop-flying up for a quick grab, like a pogo stick.


Logan Lake, BC (Zone 3a) | January 2010 | Positive
I have many Steller's jays visit my yard all year round, if I'm busy and don't give them their peanuts they will come sit on the deck railing and look in my window, sometimes they will even tap on the glass with their bill to get my attention.
After nesting in the summer the parents bring the fledglings to my yard and teach them to beg for peanuts. This fall we had ten birds at one time, the most ever.
They are extremely smart, friendly beautiful birds and I just love them!


Grants Pass, OR | September 2009 | Positive
This is really the smartest bird at my feeders, everytime I add anything new they seem to figure it out first.


(Pony) Lakewood, WA (Zone 8a) | August 2009 | Positive
These guys can be rather obnoxious, but I still love them. With time and patience, you can get them to take peanuts from your hands. At our old house, I couldn't go outside without them flocking around me and demanding their peanut fix.


Lander, WY (Zone 4a) | January 2009 | Neutral
These beautiful jays are found in forested mountain areas around Lander, WY. I have not seen them flocking, but instead have met individual birds with a lot of moxie. They are cheeky, charming beggars in summer, flying down from the pines around Lewis Lake to land on picnic tables, hopping right up to ask for a bite of your sandwich.
Japanese Water Iris'Dino'
(Iris ensata)
Christmas Spider
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Pheasant Coucal
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Japanese Water Iris'Dino'
(Iris ensata)
Christmas Spider
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Pheasant Coucal
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