European Roller

Corcias garrulus


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(Zone 1) | May 2019 | Positive
In the 70's European Rollers numbered in the thousands, but now there are only 20 breeding pairs - anxiously monitored by ornithologists - breeding in Latvia in The Baltics where they arrive in the Spring from Africa. They eat large beetles, crickets and butterflies which are becoming rarer in Europe - one reason these birds are becoming scarcer. They have also been sort after for their beautifully coloured plumage. Because they are unable to make their own nest holes, they use the dwellings of other birds, and the oldest Rollers have bred their young in the same hole of a tree for twenty-seven years.
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(Duranta erecta)
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Duranta'Sapphire Showers'
(Duranta erecta)
Wandering Broadhead Planarian
(Bipalium adventitium)
Yellow-crowned Amazon
(Amazona ochrocephala)