Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Fairhope, Alabama

Hereford, Arizona

Felton, California

Los Angeles, California

Marina, California

Martinez, California

Mission Viejo, California

Rancho Mirage, California

San Diego, California(4 reports)

Santa Barbara, California

Daytona Beach, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mims, Florida

New Port Richey, Florida

Panama City, Florida

Trenton, Florida

Austell, Georgia

Bainbridge, Georgia

Brinson, Georgia

Montpelier, Idaho

Lombard, Illinois

Niles, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Benton, Kentucky

Bowling Green, Kentucky

Cadiz, Kentucky

Ewing, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Melbourne, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Vacherie, Louisiana

West Monroe, Louisiana

Oakland, Maryland

Wakefield, Massachusetts

Belleville, Michigan

Detroit, Michigan

Flint, Michigan

Jackson, Michigan

Paw Paw, Michigan

Le Center, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Golden, Mississippi

Cole Camp, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Hermann, Missouri

Saint Louis, Missouri

Washington, Missouri

Lincoln, Nebraska

Warner, New Hampshire

Burlington, North Carolina

Clyde, North Carolina

Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Cincinnati, Ohio

Corning, Ohio

North Ridgeville, Ohio

Ravenna, Ohio

Sand Springs, Oklahoma

Bend, Oregon

Gold Hill, Oregon

Portland, Oregon

Roseburg, Oregon

Salem, Oregon

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Gardners, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Whitehall, Pennsylvania

Bluffton, South Carolina

Wellford, South Carolina

Austin, Texas

Corsicana, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Red Oak, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Edinburg, Virginia

Portsmouth, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

Port Orchard, Washington

Stanwood, Washington

Vancouver, Washington

Chilton, Wisconsin

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Gardener's Notes:
8 positives 4 neutrals 1 negative
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Detroit, MI | September 2021 | Positive
Red tailed hawks are ubiquitous across North America. They are stunningly adaptable and exhibit an exceptionally wide array of coloration. For those who have witnessed hawks capturing smaller birds off feeders, this is most likely NOT a red tail. Red tails are broad birds with wide wingspans not meant for the speed and agility required of bird predation. Accipiters, particularly the Coopers Hawk, are nearly guaranteed to be your actual culprit. As others have mentioned, however, everyone has to eat and their skills are surely something to be marveled!


Roseburg, OR | May 2021 | Neutral
We have them here in Oregon. Yes, they do get some birds, but everyone has to eat, right? There is a pair scoping out the big trees on the upper part of our property...they very well might nest there this year.


Mission Viejo, CA (Zone 10a) | April 2021 | Neutral
To 006966 in Bluffton... I know how you feel. While the hawk is a beautiful and impressive bird, I hate it when they visit my yard for the bird buffet. Because of a recent outbreak of pine siskin salmonellosis, we took down all of our feeders for the recommended time. Before that, we had a Red-tailed Hawk frequenting our feeders for birds. During this time, the red-tailed hawk has left our feeders for better hunting elsewhere. The last straw for me was when I heard a very loud bang on our sliding glass door where at its base, I found a stunned red-tailed hawk with a wide-eyed, terrified dove captured in its talons. I banged hard on the glass door and the hawk immediately took off with its catch. We took down all our feeders because of this and because of the pine siskin threat. Th... read more


Sand Springs, OK | March 2021 | Neutral
In Oklahoma the Red tail hawk is in abundance.
Note: in the movies or commercials when ever they show an eagle or vulture the call of the bird you hear is actually the call of the red tail hawk. It is never the call of the bird being shown. The eagle call is unimpressive and the vulture has no call. But the red tail call is majestic and mighty sounding, so there you go. I'm a wildlife biologist and nature center administrator so I notice things like this.


Bluffton, SC | March 2021 | Negative
I'm sorry, but I am not a fan of the red tailed hawk. They have taken several red cardinals while feeding at my bird feeders over the years. It is very sad to watch and hear the cardinals screeching as they are carried away by the hawk!
Wish there was something I could do to stop this but I guess it's just the survival of the fittest.
I live in Bluffton, SC.


San Diego, CA | April 2016 | Positive
Have seen this bird in various nature preserves and other locations in San Diego. They are strong fliers, and whenever I see them in the sky, I cannot help but be impressed.


Los Angeles, CA | March 2016 | Neutral
We have these beautiful birds flying around us all the time. I live around Beverlywood,(Los Angeles) California


Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Positive
A common sight by high-traffic areas in trees, on light poles, and even on power lines, looking for lunch. Dramatic looking bird, distinctive with its red tail-feathers. I love to see them flying in pairs.


Cedarhome, WA (Zone 8b) | October 2010 | Positive
A common sight for us.


Philadelphia, PA | September 2009 | Positive
Philadelphia was given a real treat this year by having 2 red-tailed hawks building a nest on a window ledge of a Science Museum in the middle of the city. They laid 3 eggs that hatched, and the nestlings successfully fledged in June. The museum set up a video camera aimed at the nest from the time the first egg was laid until the end of June. Anyone watching on their computer literally had a bird's-eye view of everything that goes on in the red-tail's nest by light of day, even the parents bringing "prey" and feeding the nestlings. We even saw the eggs hatching! Hopefully, the 2 parents will come back next year. Absolutely fascinating.


Portland, OR (Zone 8a) | February 2009 | Positive
I have a pair that hunts in my part of the city and they are great to watch. And, it is fun to watch them battle with the crows guarding their own nests. A hawk landed across the street from me one spring day and I swear crows came flying from miles away to deal with the threat. It was a Hitchcockian experience.



Marina, CA (Zone 10b) | February 2009 | Positive
Ilike them they eat vermin (rats etc) altho them and the crows don't get along lol


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | February 2009 | Positive
Seemly like the population of red tail hawk in the Twin Cities have make a big jump in recent years - now can be seen pretty much all year round - they loves large open spaces and roadside - mainly commonly near intersections with a small patch of wild forest nearby. Often I have seen them perching in trees - usually the most exposed tree, sometimes lightposts and once in a while signs and lower in trees - can be seen by their large size and white breast when driving. In fact for me, driving is the best way to see those raptors. Their huge size (they are the biggest of all the hawks in the region - only eagles, some owls, and vultures are bigger) make them a easy id. Only the migrantary and uncommon red shoulder hawk comes closer to size but like I said they are uncommon to rare in the are... read more
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(Megacyllene robiniae)
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