Carolina Wren

Thryothorus ludovicianus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Albertville, Alabama

Vincent, Alabama

Canton, Connecticut

Cape Canaveral, Florida

Clermont, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida

Lecanto, Florida

Lutz, Florida

Milton, Florida

Orange City, Florida

Tallahassee, Florida

Williston, Florida

Brinson, Georgia

Canton, Georgia

Carrollton, Georgia

Columbus, Georgia

Conyers, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia

Snellville, Georgia

Tucker, Georgia

Lebanon, Illinois

Millstadt, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Indianapolis, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Barbourville, Kentucky

Calvert City, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Irvine, Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Covington, Louisiana

Vacherie, Louisiana

Clinton, Maryland

Halifax, Massachusetts

Dearborn, Michigan

Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Lowell, Michigan

Williamston, Michigan

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Maben, Mississippi

Tupelo, Mississippi

Cole Camp, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Falcon, Missouri

Jackson, Missouri

Saint Louis, Missouri

Saint Robert, Missouri

Atkinson, New Hampshire

Merrimack, New Hampshire

Beachwood, New Jersey

Woodstown, New Jersey

Coram, New York

Himrod, New York

Yonkers, New York

Asheville, North Carolina

Concord, North Carolina

Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Ellenboro, North Carolina

Mooresville, North Carolina

Mount Pleasant, North Carolina

Oxford, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina(2 reports)

Thomasville, North Carolina

Trinity, North Carolina

Wake Forest, North Carolina

Columbus, Ohio

Corning, Ohio

Lebanon, Ohio

Medina, Ohio

Williamsburg, Ohio

Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Roscoe, Pennsylvania

Columbia, South Carolina

Summerville, South Carolina(3 reports)

Austin, Texas(2 reports)

Dayton, Texas

Desoto, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas(2 reports)

Garland, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Mathis, Texas

Montgomery, Texas

Spring, Texas

Waco, Texas

Chester, Virginia

Fredericksburg, Virginia(2 reports)

Hurt, Virginia

Newport News, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
10 positives 0 neutral 2 negatives
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Tallahassee, FL | May 2018 | Negative
These birds are the bane of my existence because of the constant racket they make. I can't believe noise at such volume can come from such a small bird. When do they have time to eat when they are constantly making noise and fighting with other birds? When I first moved into this house twenty years ago they were not present in such numbers as they are now. They seem to have displaced the blue jays and they chase away the tufted titmouse when they appear in winter. The information I read here that they will not nest within a quarter mile of each other has to be inaccurate. I am surrounded by them and they call back and forth to each other from before daylight until after sunset. They are noisy little bullies in my opinion and I wish they would leave the area so I could have some peace a... read more


Cape Canaveral, FL | April 2018 | Positive
I love these little birds!
There one of my favorite Wrens and are incredibly fun to watch!


Calabash, NC | May 2015 | Positive
Carolina Wrens are amazing little birds. When I was in high school my bedroom window was a crank out type with a brick ledge. I kept it cranked out partially in spring. The birds built a nest there in a matter of hours with oak leaves and other material. They didn't know I could watch from inside. They filled the whole window ledge with a long tunnel leading into the nest. At first we'd tear it out and they would build back within hours. If they want to build in a place, forget trying to discourage them. I gave up and just let them build. I got to see their babies raised. Sometimes if I got too close to the window she'd give me a look and fuss at me. We've had wrens build in motorcycle helmets, gourds, bluebird houses that were sitting on a shelf inside our sheds, and yes I have... read more


Ellenboro, NC (Zone 7a) | May 2012 | Positive
I just moved from FL to NC. While unpacking I came across one of my wren houses that I had not used in years. I set it out on the rail of my porch until I could find a good spot to secure it. When I picked it up a couple of days later, a momma flew out and started chattering at me so I set it back out and moved away. Turned out they had already moved in and laid four tiny eggs. We have been treated to their delightful song from our porch. The babies eventually fledged and the parents appear to have left too but I'm afraid to move the house just in case. They are a hoot and joy to have around.


Putnam County, IN (Zone 5b) | November 2010 | Positive
This active & inquistive little bird has become one of my favorites! It is one bird that I can recognize by sound even if I don't see it & I love hearing them singing and calling in the mornings!


Tupelo, MS | September 2010 | Positive
I love these little birds! They are so active, I live on almost an acre in the city and never fail to see a wren or hear one when I go outside. I honestly believe they cover every square inch of this territory in a day. They even check out the clothes I hang on the line; going in the sleeve and coming out the neck of a shirt. Can't leave them on the line long, they will build a nest in them! Carolina Wrens are the most hard working little birds I have ever seen. They are always on the move, and fast too. I put out peanuts and suet for them and they love it. To be such a little bird they sure do have a very loud and distinct song!


Concord, NC (Zone 7a) | July 2010 | Positive
these are very hyper active hysterical little birds with much personality. they have been making nests in my hanging petunia baskets for a couple years now and i have to wait till the mother flies off in order to water the basket real fast with a bottle of water, and then i have to run back in the house real fast so she doesnt see me, cause im afraid if she does she'll abandon the nest, but if i dont water the petunia baskets then it will die and these little wrens in the nest will be visable to predator birds like hawks...tough delemma huh..anyway carolina wren are neat birds im glad they chose to make there nests in my petunia baskets..mike


Conyers, GA | April 2010 | Positive
Conyers, GA
I've absolutely fallen in love this little fellow. One flew into our home mid-to-late fall 2010. I caught him in my hands and while I attempted to soothe him before release, noted his somewhat long, curved beak; prominent white eye stripe; and soft buff-orange belly. I thought that maybe he was a "baby" Brown Thrasher, which are common to this area.

After further observation of this little guy and a little more research, I identified him as being a Carolina Wren - the prominent white eye stripe and bold, melodious "tea-kettle, tea-kettle, tea-kettle, teeeee" song were a dead giveaway.

I began to look forward to his daily visits - (mostly to feed on my suet feeder) - and to being awakened daily by his his bold, beautiful song.
... read more


Irvine, KY (Zone 6a) | January 2010 | Negative
The wrens tend to nest in inconvenient locations such as the package shelf of my golf cart and under the dome of my propane tank. I hate to have to disturb their nests, but life has to go on!


Jackson, MO (Zone 6b) | October 2009 | Positive
I love this bird. It hops around so daintily. It's never greedy, always polite at the feeders. It made it's nest last summer in my hanging Dragon Wing begonia. This summer, it was the hanging Christmas Cactus. Both times the nests were right in front of my kitchen window. They raised 5 babies and there was quite a fiasco when the babies fledged. The babies got in our garage through our garage window. I had to open the window more to get them back out of the garage. Meanwhile, the mom and dad c. wren were making lots of chattering on our deck! They winter over here. I feed them peanut butter suet and meal worms.


Coram, NY | January 2009 | Positive
This tiny little bird comes to my yard every morning and sings from the rafters of my overhang. Welcoming sound during this cold winter. Saw one yesterday sleeping upside down hanging from the suet cage. So cute.


Lecanto, FL (Zone 9a) | January 2009 | Positive
A tiny bird with a big voice. And they nest anywhere they want. They are territorial and won't allow another pair for a quarter mile around
Rhododendron 'Bixby'
Pennsylvania Leatherwing
(Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
Cooper's Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii)
Rhododendron 'Bixby'
Pennsylvania Leatherwing
(Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
Cooper's Hawk
(Accipiter cooperii)