Le Conte's Sparrow

Ammodramus leconteii


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Yale, Iowa

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Gardener's Notes:
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(Zone 5a) | November 2012 | Positive
If I was ornery, I'd give this specific bird a negative after all the IDing trouble it gave me. It is the one photo for this bird in the file here, thus far. The markings looked right for a Le Conte's- white median stripe, and the face was good. But that bill! Every guide in paper form and online showed a greyish bill, not pink like this one. We received nine confirmations for Le Conte's in spite of that.

We heard they are illusive, but I have a son with super powered eyes, who spotted the movement in the tall grasses in our ditch. He took this picture, but I also was able to spot the bird before it dove into hiding.
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