Eastern Towhee, Rufous-sided Towhee

Pipilo erythrophthalmus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Buford, Georgia

Cornelia, Georgia

Lilburn, Georgia

Lula, Georgia

Snellville, Georgia

Coatesville, Indiana

Patriot, Indiana

Crab Orchard, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Irvine, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Clinton, Maryland

Poolesville, Maryland

Hubbardston, Massachusetts

Conway, Missouri

Salem, Missouri

Beachwood, New Jersey

Cary, North Carolina

Dayton, Ohio

Guysville, Ohio

Lebanon, Ohio

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

West Kingston, Rhode Island

Clarksville, Tennessee

Morristown, Tennessee

Sevierville, Tennessee

Summertown, Tennessee

Norfolk, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
5 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Hubbardston, MA | May 2010 | Positive
Just this week I spotted a male and a female Eastern Towhee. They sing the most beautiful song esp. first thing in the morning. They are definitely a welcome addition to my yard here in Massachusetts.


Salem, MO (Zone 6a) | April 2010 | Positive
This Bird has Driven me Crazy since we first moved to this area. I could hear its call but could never get a glimpse of it. VERY Frustrating! It would hide in the leaves of the Oak trees around our house! I finally saw it perched on my feeder wire strung between two oak trees! Then I had to look it up in my Bird Book. Haven't heard it yet this year!


Crab Orchard, KY | March 2010 | Positive
I look forward to the Towee visiting my feeding station each day during the spring and summer. They are both beatiful and peaceful, I have never seen them cause any trouble with the other birds and I have several hundreds at my feeders. They mostly scratch around on the ground for insects and lost seed. They use both legs to scratch with, almost looks like they are jumping backwards.


Cary, NC (Zone 7b) | February 2010 | Positive
This bird comes around to eat the seed that lands on my deck, mostly when it's cold and if we have had some snow like this year in NC. I have seen and heard it in the spring and summer also. The first time I saw one, I thought it was a strange looking robin with the red along the sides and a dark beak.


Lexington, KY | March 2009 | Positive
Seen in Lexington KY yard for the past two weeks on the ground below black oil sunflower feeder and in shrubs. Beautiful and peaceful birds.
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Neoregelia Bromeliad 'Yang'
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