Great-tailed Grackle

Quiscalus mexicanus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Mesa, Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

, Ash Sharqiyah

Rosedale, California

Yale, Iowa

Las Vegas, Nevada

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Austin, Texas

Keller, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 0 neutral 1 negative
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(Zone 7a) | November 2015 | Positive
We first got to know this bird when living in Austin, TX, and they came to represent the best of Texas to us. Big, brash, and unapologetic. Lots of fun to watch, and smart. Although they can wake you up in the morning, I think they are one of my favorite birds.


Bakersfield, CA | November 2015 | Positive
Although some might not like them, I love them. I love their call, admire the beautiful shiny iridescent black coat of the males, and the way the males and females flock together. Here in Bakersfield, California, they are quite abundant in areas such as markets, outdoor shopping malls and parks where they might be able to scavenge for tidbits.


Tucson, AZ (Zone 8a) | May 2010 | Negative
Ugh! I can't stand this male of this species! (The females are okay.) They have this irritating, loud "whut-whut-whut-whut-WEEEET!" call that goes on for hours, or at least it seems that way. Frequently several idle slackers will form a treetop gang, each one with its bill pointed skyward, trying to out-whut-whut-whut-whut-WEEEET the others. They always look unkempt and sloppy, the Oscar Madisons of the bird world, plus their long, awkward, misshapen tails look ridiculous. I'll take a short-tailed, quiet (by comparison) Starling over one of these good-for-nothing noise machines any day.
Grevillea Species
(Grevillea involucrata)
(Pterygophorus cinctus)
Long-tailed Finch
(Poephila acuticauda)
Grevillea Species
(Grevillea involucrata)
(Pterygophorus cinctus)
Long-tailed Finch
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