Eastern Phoebe

Sayornis phoebe


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Bronson, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Hephzibah, Georgia

Rock Falls, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Valparaiso, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Irvine, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Jeanerette, Louisiana

Wiscasset, Maine

Dayton, Maryland

Acton, Massachusetts

Halifax, Massachusetts

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Cole Camp, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Marthasville, Missouri

Cortlandt Manor, New York

Concord, North Carolina

Guysville, Ohio

Dickson, Tennessee

Austin, Texas

Kendalia, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Richmond, Texas

Temple, Texas

Alexandria, Virginia

Penhook, Virginia

Walkerton, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
4 positives 3 neutrals 0 negative
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CORTLANDT MANOR, NY | June 2013 | Positive
Having moved into this house last year, we noticed two previous nests lodged on a ledge beneath a tree-house in the yard. This year we found that the Eastern Phoebe were the builders as they have constructed an identical nest and already fledged four chicks.

As of today, 12 June, the female is again laying a second clutch and there are another four eggs in the nest.

There is no shortage of winged insects about as I have deliberately let part of the lawn grow long grass this year, which is bursting with seed now but even without the grass, as previously reported, it's delightful to watch the birds sitting aloft and swooping down to snip an insect about ten feet away.


Concord, NC | March 2013 | Positive
We have just seen this bird for the first time for the last few days, we initially had a hard time finding out what it was, it looks just like a king fisher, except it is brown and white instead of greyish blue and white. They seem to be a very nice bird, that is very intelligent and curious and non-frightened of people, we usually see the same female this week, that sits on a tall wooden stake and watches us attentively when we do yard work.


Valparaiso, IN | April 2012 | Positive
Husband and I are in love with this bird. This is the second year in a row she has returned to make her nest under our portico. She laid 5 beautiful white eggs this week. We are worried that so many babies won't fit in her small nest. We bought a cat bed (ironic, yes) and put it under the nest to catch any babies who would otherwise fall to the concrete below.

We enjoy watching the phoebes "hawk" for insects. They love perching on dead branches. They enjoy eating wasps, beetles, flies and cicadas. That works out great for us. They also eat spiders and ticks. Have at 'em! : )

Our phoebe's nest is a thing of absolute beauty. It looks like it should be on the cover of a Pottery Barn catalogue. It is about 10 inches high in total with gorgeous green m... read more


Irvine, KY (Zone 6a) | January 2010 | Neutral
Their nests are messy. One pair tried to nest on a 3/4" wide ledge above my porch windows; another succeeded in nesting on a light fixture above an outbuilding door. Their sweet call makes them welcome in spite of their choice of nesting spots. They seem to control the insect population.


North Billerica, MA | July 2009 | Positive
We have had a phoebe pair (the same one?) create 2 broods/year since 1990 when we moved to Wiscasset ME. They seem to dislike using the nest from last year; instead, they often build right next to an old nest like a townhouse. So, in late fall, I now remove old nests at their favorite locations. I adore the 'squeeze-toy' call & the tail-wagging.


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | April 2009 | Neutral
Recently saw a pair in backyard 4/16/09 - very uncommon birds for me - they are larger than warblers, roughly the size of catbirds or flycatchers. Flick their tails often - that's one id cue for them - they loves streams so maybe a bit outside their territory as there's a stream nearby. Flies expertly, catching bugs then returning to the same perch like flycatchers. They took a bath in one of the small pond I have, preferring the "beach" - I have notice most migrantary birds love it when there's shallow water and pebbles or dirt - they snob birdbaths totally and won't go anywhere near them. They are also one of the earliest of the flycatcher group to arrive.


Kendalia, TX | January 2009 | Neutral
I can tell that the phoebes that live here are Eastern Phoebes (and not black) by their song. (There is a handy recording on the site of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.)

They build mud nests on my porch--very messy. But they are pretty and I like to hear them sing.
Aloe Species
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Aloe Species
(Aloe marlothii)
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