Common Raven

Corvus corax


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anchorage, Alaska

Fairbanks, Alaska

Fort Bragg, California

Klamath River, California

Montpelier, Idaho

Traverse City, Michigan

Albertville, Minnesota

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Concord, North Carolina

Columbus, Ohio

North Ridgeville, Ohio

Austin, Texas

San Marcos, Texas

Shelton, Washington

Skokomish, Washington

Lander, Wyoming

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Traverse City, MI (Zone 5a) | December 2010 | Positive
I usually spot these birds from a distance. Their most telling feature is that unlike common crows who forage in twos and threes, this bird seems to be a loner. I have never spied one foraging near ANY other bird, even other ravens. We have one at work that we have nick-named Forest. He (she?) will not let anyone approach to closely, but is not easily scared away.


Woodinville, WA (Zone 8b) | April 2010 | Positive
I've been fascinated by these birds every since I noted that they were standing on metal street lights in Fairbanks when it was well below zero (as in -50). I still don't understand that.
Campsis Species
(Campsis radicans)
Atlas Moth
(Attacus atlas)
Pacific Black Duck
(Anas superciliosa)
Campsis Species
(Campsis radicans)
Atlas Moth
(Attacus atlas)
Pacific Black Duck
(Anas superciliosa)