Black Phoebe

Sayornis nigricans


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Canoga Park, California

Kelseyville, California

Klamath River, California

La Crescenta, California

Long Beach, California

Roseville, California(2 reports)

San Jose, California(2 reports)

Santa Cruz, California

Stockton, California

Yorba Linda, California

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Gardener's Notes:
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Stockton, CA (Zone 9a) | April 2013 | Neutral
i actually have these guys in my yard. i have never seen the before until now. i first noticed them dive bombing the pool. kept telling myself they'll be fine. they have built a nest under the eave of my kitchen window. they are pretty cool about me pulling into the drive way when they are sitting in the nest. i try not to bother them so they can have their privacy. the things we do for animals. LOL took about a week and a half to complete the nest. last yr i had mocking birds nesting in my yard and now these cute little guys. ive been in my home since '85 and only in the past 2 yrs have birds nested anywhere on the grounds. works for me.


Kendalia, TX | January 2009 | Neutral
Hibiscus Species
(Hibiscus coccineus)
Furrow Orbweaver Spider
(Larinioides cornutus)
Steller's Jay
(Cyanocitta stelleri)
Hibiscus Species
(Hibiscus coccineus)
Furrow Orbweaver Spider
(Larinioides cornutus)
Steller's Jay
(Cyanocitta stelleri)