Acadian Flycatcher

Empidonax virescens


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Walkerton, Virginia

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Fox Island, WA (Zone 8b) | December 2008 | Neutral
Description: Small flycatcher, large bill, olive upperparts, yellowish-white eye ring, lower mandible is pale orange, breast has olive wash, whitish throat, belly and undertail coverts, sometimes has yellowish wash to underparts, wing bars-white in adults - buffy in immatures.

Habitat: Often found in woodlands near water-along rivers, in swamps, et al. Swamps, moist mature deciduous forests, wooded ravines, hammocks and cypress bays in the south. Perches in deep shade, just under canopy.



Belfield, ND (Zone 4a) | December 2008 | Neutral
The Acadian Flycatcher is a migratory bird that averages 5.75 inches in length and 0.5 oz. in weight. It has olive gray back with darker wings and buff colored bars; underparts are pale yellow. It has dark brown eyes with a distinctive pale yellow eye ring.

They are monogamous birds, laying two to four brown-spotted, creamy white eggs in a sloppy nest made of sticks, grass, bark and cobweb lined with grass, hair and plant material. The nests are built on horizontal limbs far out from the trunk. The female incubates the eggs for 13 to 15 days.

They eat a wide variety of flying insects, and perch in the shade on lower to mid level branches in thick trees to await food, then dash out to snatch insects in mid-air.

A group of flycatchers has man... read more
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